A little about me..
Well first of all you'll begin to hear piano music when you get on this page. That's me playing my favorite song "Love of my Life" by the Rock Group Queen featuring singer/Frontman Freddie Mercury who wrote the song about his girlfriend at the time. It was always played live with Brian May on acoustic guitar and Freddie just singing. Sounded wonderful on a 12-string acoustic but I believe Freddie wrote it on the piano.
So I was born in Trenton NJ in 1961 and raised in the suburbs in a small town called Hamilton Square. A beautiful place to grow up in with lots of trees, woods and ponds all within biking or walking distance. Coming from a very musical family, most of the music I heard growing up was from my Dad's piano playing and from his Father, my Grandfather and namesake. My brother Jack and I would sing barbershop music with my Grandfather at every family function.
A long line of piano players on my Dad's side of the family, I did my part by watching my Dad play piano and asking a ton of questions on how to play chords. I never took formal lessons being too stubborn and taught myself to play and eventually did take about a year of lessons. I played clarinet from 5th grade through 10th grade so I knew how to read music which helped a lot! Oh and I was really bad on the clarinet! Hated the instrument..that reed in my mouth.,,the squeaking! Just puffed out my cheeks a lot!
In my 20's I started playing old time sing-a-longs at VFW halls & Nursing homes..then started a steady gig at Borders Book Store in Princeton NJ for background music for book signings. Eventually more cocktail parties/private event gigs and a steady yearly amount of Holiday jobs followed. I've played in several bands in my life, but find playing solo piano the most rewarding. When I play an old song that brings back wonderful memories to just one person, I feel my job is done. I love the songs from the 1920's-40's. The romantic War songs. But I also love playing Beatles, Billy Joel and other pop music as well!
It's in the Family!
I grew up listening to the music my Dad played in the house on piano, Mainly from the Great American Songbook. It wasn't until I was around 12-13 years old when my Aunt gave me the Beatles second album, And I was hooked. My brother Jack and I sang Barbershop music with our Grandfather for years, which taught me harmonies and the appreciation for all types of music!

My Great Uncle "Whiskey John" Pinto playing piano as my Dad, Jack Pinto, another great piano player watches.

My Great Uncle Peter Pinto playing piano as his brother, my Grandfather Frankie Pinto sings! He played the same bar in Newark NJ for over 20 years! Had a awesome fast left hand!

Marilu Henner & I at Borders Bookstore in Princeton NJ. I played for her book signing.